April 15, 2024
When choosing someone for infant photography in Pittsburgh, there are a few things to consider. Here are a few things that you might ask when considering a photographer for your newborn baby.
After having a baby, it may seem daunting to think about taking him/her out within the first 2 weeks for their infant photos. When we talk to new parents, almost all of them say it’s a nice excuse to put on “real clothes” and get out of the house for a bit. Many feel a sense of accomplishment to get that first outing out of the way successfully! That being said, location is something to think about. We have found that traveling about a half hour or less is a great amount of time. And the Kelly Adrienne Photography studio is conveniently located in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, well within that timeframe for almost every part of the city and its surrounding suburbs!
Two important factors to consider with infant photography are quality and value. These two items go hand in hand. A cheap photographer most likely does not have the experience and quality of service that you might desire. Do they possess safety training? Have multiple years of experience photographing infants? Do they continue to take educational courses and grow in their craft? These will all contribute to consistent images and service that will make your session memorable. To find out what happens after our newborn sessions, click here.
This is usually the first thing that connects clients to photographers. How do their images make you feel? Maybe you are drawn to light and neutral photos with natural posing. Maybe you love adding in earthy colors and tones and props with a wrapped newborn. Go through some blog posts to see more of what a full gallery looks like from an infant photographer. Make sure you see consistent work, and not just one good image surrounded by weaker images.
We absolutely love infant photography. In fact, it’s 90% of what we do! We would love to chat with you and see what we can offer you. From light and airy lifestyle sessions to sessions with more color and props, we love to make beautiful galleries for babies and their families. Hit the contact button up top and send us a message to find out more!
let's be friends @kellyadriennephotography
Email: kellyadriennephotography@gmail.com
3395 Babcock Blvd
Pittsburgh, PA 15237